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  • completelywhisked

Lockdown Layered Biscuits

Want to make your friend or family member a special treat this lockdown? These delicious buttery biscuits filled with chocolate buttercream and stamped with personalised messages are such a cute way to cheer someone up and let them know you miss them.

So many people are having a tough time in this winter lockdown and feeling extra isolated from the outside world. These cookies are the perfect thing to bake for a friend or family member to add a little bit of extra cheer to their day.

For these ones, I’ve used generic messages but you could obviously make them as personal as you’d like. I have also used chocolate buttercream to sandwich them together but you could try using plain buttercream and adding a few drops of food colouring to make them more colourful. If you wanted, you could also decorate them with sprinkles and more icing on top. It’s 100% up to you!

Make sure to tag me in your recreation pictures on Instagram or Twitter so that I can see all of your fabulous photos! Follow the links at the top of the page to visit my profiles.



For the biscuits

> 300g plain flour

> 100g baking/unsalted butter

> 180g caster sugar

> 1egg

> 2tsp golden syrup

> a dash of milk

For the Icing

> 200g icing sugar

> 90g unsalted butter

> 3tsp cocoa powder

> 2tsp milk

You will also need: Cookie letter stamps and circle cookie cutters


1 > Preheat the oven to 180°c and line two baking trays with greaseproof paper.

2 > Sift the flour into a large bowl and add the butter into it. Using your finger tips, crumble the two together.

3 > Add the caster sugar into the same bowl and mix into the butter and flour. 4 > In a separate bowl, crack the egg and add the golden syrup. Whisk the two ingredients together until thoroughly mixed and a light-ish brown mixture is formed. 5 > Slowly pour half of the syrup and egg mixture into the large bowl and mix together with the flour, sugar and butter until combined. Next, add the other half and repeat. Doing this part slowly means you won’t be left with any lumps in your dough. 6 > Your dough should now be easy to roll out. If it is too try, add a dash of milk. If it appears too wet, add an extra bit of flour.

7 > Roll out your dough, on a floured surface, to roughly a 0.5cm thickness and cut out circle shapes using your cookie cutters. Make sure you have an even number of each shape as you will need one for the top and one for the bottom of the sandwich. 8 > Finally, print the messages onto the top of half the biscuits. Remember, if you’re connecting the words together to put the letters right to left otherwise the words will be backwards when printed.

9 > Bake for 8-10 minutes or until light brown. Once out of the oven, leave to cool for at least 15 minutes or until cool to touch. When they come out of the oven, they might feel soft but don’t worry because once cooled for the right amount of time they should harden.

10 > For the icing, add the butter into a large bowl and soften using the back of a spoon. Next, sift in both the cocoa powder and icing sugar. Gently mix the ingredients together to form a delicious chocolate buttercream. Add the milk to soften slightly so that it is easier to pipe onto the biscuits. 11 > Either using a piping bag with a large nozzle or a spoon, put buttercream onto half of your biscuits. Push the other biscuit ontop and repeat with every one.

And that’s it... If you enjoyed this recipe, you can like this post and also subscribe at the bottom of the page to get alerted every time I upload a new recipe.


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